
Simple List Of The Principal Poisons With Their Antidotes Or Remedies

Poisons shall be the next subject for remark; and we anticipate more detailed instructions for the treatment of persons poisoned, by giving a simple LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL POISONS, with their ANTIDOTES OR REMEDIES as follow :

Oil of Vitriol, Aquafortis, Spirit of Salt …………… Magnesia, Chalk, Soap-and-Water

Emetic Tartar…………….. Oily Drinks, Solution of Oak-bark.

Salt of Lemons, or………… Chalk, Whiting, Lime or Magnesia and

Acid of Sugar…………….. Water. Sometimes an Emetic Draught.

Prussic Acid………………. Pump on back, Smelling-Salts to nose ; Artificial Breathing ; Chloride of Lime to nose .

Pearlash, Soap-Lees, Smelling-Salts, Nitre, Hartshorn Sal-Volatile …………………. Lemon-Juice and Vinegar-and-Water

Arsenic, Fly-Powder, or Fly-Powder, or White Arsenic, Kings Yellow, or Yellow Arsenic …………………… Emetics, Lime-Water, Soap-and-Water ; Sugar and Water, Oily

Drinks Mercury, Corrosive Sublimate Calomel …………………… Whites of Eggs, Soap-and-Water

Opium…………………….. Emetic Draught, Vinegar-and-Water,

Laudanum………………….. dashing Cold Water on chest and face, walking up and down two or three hours.

Lead, White Lead , Sugar of Lead , Goulard's Extract, Copper ……………………… Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, Emetics

Blue-stone ……………….. Whites of Eggs, Sugar-and-Water,

Verdigris…………………. Castor Oil, Gruel.

Zinc …………………….. Lime-Water, Chalk-and-Water ; Soap-and-Water.

Iron …………………….. Magnesia, Warm Water.

Henbane, Hemlock, Nightshade, Foxglove …………………… Emetics and Castor Oil; Brandy-and-Water, if necessary

Poisonous Food…………….. Emetics and Castor Oil.

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